Brown Bag Bridge
1st Monday of the month. Meets at 5:30 pm for a brown bag meal and then begin playing at 6:00 pm. Meets at a senior center.
Daytime Bridge
4th Tuesday of the month, 10:30 am. Meets at a retirement center. Lunch is provided for a charge.
Mah Jongg
3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:00 p.m. Meets at a senior center.
Needlework, Etc.
3rd Tuesday of the month, 10:30 am. Bring a sack lunch; dessert will be served. Meets at a member’s home.
On Our Own
2nd Monday of the month. Meets at various restaurants, usually for a late lunch (1:00 pm) but occasionally for an early dinner.
Southside Book Group
2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm (2:00 pm during the winter). Meets at a member’s home.
Wednesday Books
2nd Wednesday of the month at 2:00 pm. Meets at a member’s home.
Thank you for your interest.